The Ubiquitous Star Wars

Unless you are in a long-term coma, or live in a cave, you cannot escape Star Wars, and the multitude of marketing tie-ins, some of which even make sense.

Star Wars is (are?) great, and don’t misunderstand, we are fans.  But Disney/Lucas really don’t need any help from CPM, Inc. on promotional partnerships for this big title, so we are not working it.

Moreover, not every CPG has the budget to support a promotional tie-in with this big title.

The good news is that there are other releases, big titles, that will support promo partners with more modest budgets.  And the cost to partner with a major Hollywood release is less…much less…than you might think.

The magic, the “secret sauce”, the “1+1=3”, is that CPM, Inc. created programs generally do not require any licensing fees. Often the studio is willing to kick in some cash in support of a program, over and above permission to use the characters and assets from the movie.

So if you are a CPG marketer, interested in creating awareness of your brand or proposition, using funds you are already spending anyway, with little or no incremental cost, we should talk. 

In 2016, CPM, Inc. is empowered to activate partnerships with multi-millions in box office potential. We have video games and music opportunities, too.

The studio, the brand, the retailer, even the consumer…everybody wins.


Super Bowl Ad or Social Influencer Campaign?